Analysis of a rootkit: Beastkit

by: unknown

Analysis of a rootkit found on a RedHat 7.2 System in 01/2002. The rootkit setup script includes the line “#Beastkit 7.0 - X-Org edition”. Due to this fact, we call the rootkit “Beastkit 7.0” in this document. The compromise was done through an crc32 compensation attack against SSH-1.5-1.2.27.

Detecting Beastkit

To ensure unmodified results of common programs (like ps) we used a mounted Stand-alone shell (sash) and static binaries.

results of unmodified netstat shows following interesting connections:

Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State
tcp        0      0 *               LISTEN

results of unmodified ps shows following interesting processes:
root     17081  0.0  0.0  1880     4  ?  S   03:42   0:00 /usr/sbin/arobia -q -p 56493
root     17097  0.0  0.0  1528   160  ?  S   03:42   0:00 lpsched  /usr/local/bin/bin/..././
root     17109  0.0  0.0  1524   156  ?  S   03:42   0:00 lpsched  /idrun
root     17300  0.0  0.0  1528   160  ?  S   03:45   0:00 lpsched

results of unmodified lsof (LiSt Open Files) shows following interesting open files:
arobia    17081    root  cwd    DIR        3,2     1024          2 /
arobia    17081    root  rtd    DIR        3,2     1024          2 /
arobia    17081    root  txt    REG        3,5   206760     306925 /usr/sbin/arobia
arobia    17081    root  mem    REG        3,2   485171      34370 /lib/
arobia    17081    root  mem    REG        3,2   436784      34380 /lib/
arobia    17081    root  mem    REG        3,2    85115      34282 /lib/
arobia    17081    root  mem    REG        3,2    47872      34327 /lib/
arobia    17081    root  mem    REG        3,2  5772268      60578 /lib/i686/
arobia    17081    root    0u   CHR        1,3               22868 /dev/null
arobia    17081    root    1u   CHR        1,3               22868 /dev/null
arobia    17081    root    2u   CHR        1,3               22868 /dev/null
arobia    17081    root    3u  IPv4     110686                 TCP *:56493 (LISTEN)*
arobia    17081    root    5u  sock        0,0              110290 can't identify protocol
idrun     17109    root  cwd    DIR        3,5        0     306921 /usr/man/.man10/bk7 (deleted)
idrun     17109    root  rtd    DIR        3,2     1024          2 /
idrun     17109    root  txt    REG        3,5    89828     306945 /usr/sbin/idrun
idrun     17109    root  mem    REG        3,2   485171      34370 /lib/
idrun     17109    root  mem    REG        3,2  5772268      60578 /lib/i686/
idrun     17109    root  mem    REG        3,2   261460      34311 /lib/
idrun     17109    root    0u   raw                         263594 00000000:0001->00000000:0000 st=07
idrun     17109    root    3u   raw                         111231 00000000:0001->00000000:0000 st=07
idrun     17109    root    5u  sock        0,0              110290 can't identify protocol
bktd      17097    root  cwd    DIR        3,5        0     306921 /usr/man/.man10/bk7 (deleted)
bktd      17097    root  rtd    DIR        3,2     1024          2 /
bktd      17097    root  txt    REG        3,5    93924     306924 /usr/local/bin/.../bktd
bktd      17097    root  mem    REG        3,2   485171      34370 /lib/
bktd      17097    root  mem    REG        3,2  5772268      60578 /lib/i686/
bktd      17097    root  mem    REG        3,2   261460      34311 /lib/
bktd      17097    root    0u   raw                         263598 00000000:0001->00000000:0000 st=07
bktd      17097    root    3u   raw                         110971 00000000:0001->00000000:0000 st=07
bktd      17097    root    5u  sock        0,0              110290 can't identify protocol

Beastkit properties

Beastkit 7.0 replaces common binaries that can be used to monitor system operation (like ps). List of programs included in the rootkit (bin.tgz):

md5sum                            Filename             Size
98bf3bd30914773e50060a7f56eda4f4  encrypt             14808
ae060f54e8f3a8e79dc95867171811ef  pg                   3552
f2e3b130a937af92ff507315406589b1  sz                   1382
0a07cf554c1a74ad974416f60916b78d  /bin/ls             39696
195075782a2f7853731bf3e0c62e6925  /bin/netstat        54152
ced323b51dc984f66c2695d8fd6a2368  /bin/ps             62920
e4738d828b366ac21572e6a17f7ecba4  /sbin/ifconfig      31504
753d5e7af271c12e0803956dd8c2b8e6  /sbin/syslogd       26496
0a07cf554c1a74ad974416f60916b78d  /usr/bin/dir        39696
98596eaad65b9f748fca2dcf48a9b3ef  /usr/bin/find       59536
a1931a396d9a7ffbcd0c7612627073ba  /usr/bin/pstree     12340
3fc77d2a3ae361c86ef4629c0f5e380e  /usr/bin/slocate    23560
fd319aa8e6f56a32c0cb8fc6e9a69195  /usr/bin/top        33992
f7acbc61f8715bdda41989683bc8e8a8  /usr/bin/md5sum     31452
0c1411a47e58bcbef33abdaf53ede4e6  /usr/sbin/idrun     89828
56b863dcfacadf6d66d859e2ee59517e  /usr/sbin/lsof      82628

The original programs got replaced by the rootkit. The timestamps doesn’t change, because the rootkit use touch -acmr to transmit the timestamp to the rootkit files.

Beastkit contains some tools (bktools) (placed at /lib/

md5sum                            Filename             Size
b0812b62c9c3307161c5400870d7d230  bkget               25664
926784667fa921b38fceb124644f6568  bkp                  7578
63c6a53e779c06923344b15a0e8f1799  bks                 16070
12e8748c19abe7a44e67196c22738e9b  bksb                 1345
5dba380b431418f1d15a014472268b65  bkscan               9556
d536271d4c13a2cf71c0e74d09839f27  bktd                90788
2f6957ee2b2c29259225c6b0f271539b  patch                1875
0bb5cb28717d1a36c2a871a1dd713666  prl                  1854
e2384d85534272ba46baa6979cefc634  prw                  1831

bkget - SynScan Daemon (by psychoid/tCl)
bkp - hdlp2 version 2.05
bks - Sniffer
bksb - "sauber"-Script (see duarawkz-rootkit), cleans up some of the intruders traces
bkscan - SynScan (by psychoid/tCl)
patch - SSHd-Patchscript (update to ssh-1.2.32 using ftp)
prl - SSHd-Patchscript (update to ssh-1.2.32 using http)
prw - SSHd-Patchscript (update to ssh-1.2.32)

A SSHd backdoor named “arobia” was installed. The config files were found in /usr/lib/elm/arobia/. A new password for the backdoor was generated with the command sed s/08e7592e361de6fd59d4d126b29fe6ea/`md5sum --string=$1|awk '{print $1}'`/g elm\ > arobia, which replaces the default password (08e7592e361de6fd59d4d126b29fe6ea=arobia) of the original backdoor “elm” and generates the new backdoor “arobia”. After that, “arobia” was moved to /usr/sbin. The backdoor start-up is done by /usr/sbin/arobia -q -p 56493, whereby “56493” is the portnumber.

md5sum                            Filename                              Size
f7820a858bceee09246f4454e3c24e95  /usr/sbin/arobia                    206760
f78fa4c346287a3af35656a9ac33e733  /usr/lib/elm/arobia/elm             206760
a5d7227117841d0518a6be3510dabb57  /usr/lib/elm/arobia/elm/hk             529
eb1929cdeb8c4abe428540a58adfa7a2  /usr/lib/elm/arobia/elm/         333
5fd2ce512e0eba4d090191e8a1518808  /usr/lib/elm/arobia/elm/sc             880
563b9fb9877beb3b33428acdfba1a571  /usr/lib/elm/arobia/elm/sd.pp            6
82ff57cdc95b9b01d88ef5dca721981d  /usr/lib/elm/arobia/elm/sdco           480
a604bd841806dd5abe543a3281eb5a78  /usr/lib/elm/arobia/elm/srsd           512

More rootkit properties:

The program bktd was placed at /usr/local/bin/.../, furthermore some libraries at /lib/:

md5sum                            Filename                      Size
00846ffcc2ed7fa23b42089e92273964  bktd                         93924
2aed58986303584c96edd16f6195e797  /lib/libproc.a               33848
8581544643145cd159e93df986539ce8  /lib/        37984
dcf6a1cb6fd162461195294904c078f8  /lib/                   9
6efdfd44c0b1e197dae1b10e994f7721  /usr/include/file.h             56
1791784f079870739ecc707add37aafe  /usr/include/hosts.h            19
64bdd72e707ba4680cc7d7a58e8aac07  /usr/include/log.h              43
1534580c14b3b70d29d000f3691d1c25  /usr/include/proc.h             47

The following lines were added in /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit to start a backdoor at port 33333 at system startup:

# Arobia daemon startup..
/usr/sbin/xntps -q -p 33333